Erasmus+ Programme – University of Žilina (UNIZA)
Erasmus+ Programme and the University of Žilina
An Erasmus+ Programme exchange study stay or traineeship are a matter of course to study at the UNIZA. A priority of UNIZA is to send each student of UNIZA for the mobility, at least once per a study. It is known that most of students who graduated an exchange study stay or traineeship gained invaluable experience for theirs. The exchange study stay opens another vision there some study, a life and a new opportunities. At the employment market early than their some schoolmates, who were not the exchange study stay. All former´s students and successful´s absolvents of UNIZA have confirmed it.
Currently and future UNIZA students have a possible to graduate study of approximately 250 college in the Europe about, with which the University of Žilina has concluded a cooperation agreement to 2027 and they can at complete a practical traineeship field and in busineses and companies within in program countries.
In a nationwide comparison is the University of Žilina one of the first four universities in Slovakia in the number of were realised some mobilities Erasmus students. Since the entrance to the Erasmus +Programme in 1999 has traveled more then 2000 students to who travel Erasmus for exange study stay and traineeship and it makes thanks to the funding, which staff of Univerzity of Žilina could got for get on a grants for students. The University of Žilina paid grants to students in the amount of approximately 400,000 € per a year in last years. The positive site is, monthly rate of grants of students are increasing and increase grants for students who come from socially disadvantaged environment and receive social scholarship.