Since April 2020, UNIZA is a member of an international consortium from 7 Central European countries cooperating on the REGIAMOBIL project. The Interreg Central Europe program supports the implementation of the project under contract number CE1658. The total budget of the REGIAMOBIL project is EUR 1,660,086. The project solves the problems of the mobility of people living in rural areas. The project focuses on improving rural areas' connectivity with national and European transport networks to improve mobility with intelligent public transport solutions for better connections. During the project, UNIZA will cooperate with the Trenčín self-governing region to prepare an action plan for the region to introduce new innovative solutions for public transport in sparsely populated rural areas such as the Myjava Kopanice area. On 12th November 2020, UNIZA presented the concept of this plan to a working group that is preparing documents for the region to provide public transport services in the region for the future.