Typ projektu: COST (zahraničné výskumné projekty)                     

Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Ing. Koteš Peter, PhD.              

Ostatní riešitelia: prof. Ing. Vičan Josef, CSc.                      

Trvanie projektu: január 2015 – december 2018

Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec)     The main objective of the Action is to develop a guideline for the establishment of QC plans in roadway bridges, by integrating the most recent knowledge on performance assessment procedures with the adoption of specific goals. This guideline will focus on bridge maintenance and life-cycle performance at two levels: (i) performance indicators, (ii) performance goals. By developing new approaches to quantify and assess the bridge performance, as well as quality specifications to assure an expected performance level, bridge management strategies will be significantly improved, enhancing asset management of ageing structures in Europe.     During the implementation of asset management strategies, maintenance actions are required in order to keep assets at a desired performance level. In case of roadway bridges, specific performance indicators are established for their components. These indicators can be qualitative or quantitative based, and they can be obtained during principal inspections, through a visual examination, a non-destructive test or a temporary or permanent monitoring system.                         

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