REGIAMOBIL - Pokročilé dopravné služby pre vidiecke regióny

Schéma / Program Intereg Central Europe
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Mgr. Sitányiová Dana, PhD.
Riešitelia: doc. Ing. Gogola Marián, PhD., doc. Ing. Mužík Juraj, PhD., Ing. Vlček Jozef, PhD., Ing. Masarovičová Soňa, PhD.
Trvanie projektu: 4/2020 - 12/2023
REGIAMOBIL benefits from already established good practices from different Interreg Central Europe operations (RUMOBIL, SubNodes, Shareplace and Connect2CE) as well as HORIZON 2020 actions (MaaS4EU, SIADE, MoTiV, ELVITEN). Moreover, it combines downstreaming and upstreaming transfer and integration of found solutions for mobility services in rural regions.
© 2019 Katedra geotechniky, Stavebná fakulta, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina