RUMOBIL - Vplyv demografickcých zmien na mobilitu vidieka v európskych regiónoch.

Schéma / Program Intereg Central Europe
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Mgr. Sitányiová Dana, PhD.
Riešitelia: doc. Ing. Gogola Marián, PhD., Ing. Černický Ľubomír, Ing. Pirošík Mešková Veronika, Ing. Masarovičová Soňa, PhD.
Trvanie projektu: 10/2016 - 5/2020
The main objective of RUMOBIL is to improve public transport in rural areas by better connecting them to the national and European transport networks. Quicker and more comfortable access by public transport positively contributes to the quality of life in rural areas and supports business activities there. To that aim, a set of evidence-based policy recommendations will be elaborated to improve the capacities of local and regional decision-makers responsible for the design and coordination of public passenger transport in Central European regions affected by demographic change.
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