Professional and consulting activity

Tests of road building materials and structural layers

  • tests of thermotechnical characteristics of materials
  • tests of strength and deformation characteristics
  • design of formulas for structural layers of roadways (initial type tests)
  • quality control of road construction works (control tests)

Assessment of the technical condition of roads

  • diagnostics of road conditions (surface condition, roughness, evenness, bearing capacity) for individual sections
  • evaluation of the overall technical condition of roads
  • design of technology for maintenance, repair or reconstruction of diagnosed sections
  • determining the optimal year of construction intervention in the roadway from a technical and 

           economic point of view

Traffic planning and traffic engineering in residential areas

  • traffic engineering surveys and forecasts
  • evaluation of surveys, proposal of solutions and measures
  • communication service models, capacity calculations
  • the concept of the development of bicycle transport

Project activity

  • technical studies of new sections of roads, interchanges, bypasses, etc.technical studies of new sections 

           of roads, interchanges, bypasses, etc.

  • development of noise studies
  • development of emission studies
  • noise monitoring, proposal of measures to protect the population
  • environmental assessment of transport impacts
  • designing and assessing asphalt and cement concrete roads

Accredited air quality measurements

  • Polluting substances: Nitrogen dioxide – NO 2 , Carbon monoxide – CO, solid particles – PM 10 , PM 2,5
  • Accreditation certificate - pdf
  • Testing laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering – Webová stránka

Expert opinions in the field of transport and transport construction

Implementation of conferences, seminars and lifelong education in the field of road management


KCEI is held regularly in the two-year cycle of the international conference 


The 12th edition of the conference will be held in October 2024


© 2024 Department of Highway and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina