
The department's research is divided into three key themes that are closely linked. They address challenges in the areas of transport analysis, emission attributes of the transport process, road management, sustainability in construction, standard setting, construction and maintenance technologies including the properties of road construction materials.

International educational projects:

  • DUALBEL:  Support for the development of dual education at universities in Belarus (2021 - 2023) -  prof. Ing. Čelko Ján, CSc.
  • TEMPUS RECOAUD:  Environmental management in Russian companies: Retraining courses for sensitization and integration of Eco-audit programs in company decision-making (2013 - 2016)
  • TEMPUS EcoBRU: Ecological education in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine (2013 - 2016)
  • TEMPUS FKTBUM:  Support of the knowledge triangle in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova (2013 - 2016)

International research projects:

  • APVV SK-PL-21/0070:  Research on the effect of short-term aging on the properties of asphalt materials (2022 - 2023) -  doc. Ing. Remišová Eva, PhD. 
  • Projekt AIR TRITIA Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE1101:  Unified approach to air pollution management in functional urban areas of the TRITIA region (2017-2020)
  • CityWalk project Interreg Danube Transnational program DTP1-1-045.3.1:  Towards energy-responsible cities: creating pedestrianized cities in the Danube region (2016-2019)
  • TransData ITMS project 304011P777 - Innovative monitoring and analysis of traffic on the cross-border road network, 01/2019 – 12/2020, project INTERREG VA SK-CZ/2018/06: Development of a prototype of a portable magnetic traffic counter for traffic surveys and also as a portable dynamic traffic management system (2019-2020)
  • ITMS 22420220032: A joint study for the preservation of the environment aimed at investigating the causes of air quality deterioration in the Czechoslovak border of the Moravian-Silesian and Žilina Regions (2013-2014)
  • ITMS 22410320039:  Development of cooperation between universities in the field of transport construction (2013-2014)
  • Project: 7th Framework Program of the EU:  POTHOLE (Durable Pothole Repairs) (2011-2013)
  • Project: 7th Framework Program of the EU:  RECYPMA (Possibilities of high-quality recycling of polymer-modified asphalt)
  • IEE/10/199/S12.589412:  ADVANCE - Audit and certification to increase the quality of sustainable urban mobility plans in cities
  • 5. RP EÚG1RT-CT-2002-05085:  ECO-SERVE network (European construction at the service of society)
  • INTERREG IIIC:  Development of new transport solutions for the needs of separate industrial zones in Žilina and in the region in terms of best practice
  • Czech-Slovak cooperation 031 CZE:  Creation and evaluation of a common database of emission factors of means of transport
  • 6th FP EU Project SPENS:  Sustainable pavements for the new European Member States

National projects:

  • MVP SvF O-21-104/0011-09:  Prediction of friction based on non-contact measurement of road surface morphology and analysis of the contribution of road surface to non-combustion emissions of solid particles- FRIPOL (2023-2026) -  Ing. Brna Matej, PhD.
  • GRANT I-22-028-69:  Analysis of the fractal geometry of the 3D road surface and determination of its influence on anti-slip properties (2022-2023) -  Ing. Brna Matej, PhD. 
  • APVV-21-0416: Research on mobility and emission attributes of the transport process (2022-2025) - prof. Ing. Čelko Ján, CSc.
  • ZoD/D/SvF/10/21: Analysis of traffic flow congestion conditions (2022-2023) - prof. Ing. Čelko Ján, CSc.
  • VEGA 1/0337/22:  Analysis of the influence of road surface texture on shear friction, driving safety and the potential for resuspension of solid particles (2022-2025) -  doc. Ing. Kováč Matúš, PhD. 
  • KEGA 027ŽU-4/2022: Support for bilingual education in the field of sustainable construction and management of transport structures (2022-2024) - prof. Ing. Decký Martin, Dr.
  • VEGA 1/0206/22: Research on the impact of traffic flow saturation effects on delay functions (2022 - 2024) - doc. Ing. Kociánová Andrea, PhD.
  • VP – SvF: Innovative, climate-adaptive composite materials for engineering constructions with an emphasis on the circular economy (2021-2024) - prof. Ing. Decký Martin, Dr.
  • Research S-104-0026/20:  Forecast of transport development and its sustainability due to new design standards (2020-2022)prof. Ing. Čelko Ján, CSc.
  • Research S-104-0070/21:  Theoretical-experimental analysis of safety risks and optimization of road design parameters in the village of Horné Vestenice (2022-2022)
  • Research S-104-56/21:  Traffic engineering forecast of traffic distribution in the Solinky housing estate in Žilina (2021-2022)
  • Research S-104-50/21:  Optimization of traffic load and traffic routing in the Hájik housing estate in Žilina (2021-2022)
  • GRANT: Effect of UV radiation on changes in the properties of asphalt mixtures (2021-2022)
  • S-104-0037/21: Traffic-capacity assessment of roads and intersections (2021-2021)
  • TP S-104-0013/21:  Technical conditions (TP) 025 - Measurement and assessment of road surface roughness by SKIDDOMETER and PROFILOGRAPH devices - revision (2021-2021)
  • Research S-104-0004/21: Analysis of the impact of new investments in the city of Martin on the affected MK network and its intersections (2021-2021)
  • Research S-104-00088/2020: Analytical study of traffic relations Martin (2020-2020)
  • Research S-104-0087/20: Traffic engineering research of the Martin-Košúty area (2020-2020)
  • Research S-104-0082/20: Traffic engineering forecast of parking and its connection to the road network in Žilina on Obchodna Street (2020-2020)
  • Research S-104-0065/20: Optimizing the construction condition of the intersection and its traffic connection in the city of Žilina (2020-2020)
  • GRANT: Modeling the division of transport work during the morning and afternoon peak hours (2020-2021)
  • P-104-0004/2020: Asphalt mixtures. Test methods. Part 11: Determination of adhesion between aggregate and asphalt (2020-2021)
  • P-104-0003/20: Tests to determine the mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Part 2: Methods for determining resistance to fragmentation (2020-2021)
  • P-104-0002/20: Tests to determine the mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Part 8: Determination of the coefficient of accelerated smoothing of aggregates (2020-2021)
  • Research S-104-0016/20: Theoretical-experimental research on environmental pollution by CO2 production in Žilina (2020-2020)
  • KEGA 025ŽU-4/2020: Support for education in the field of road construction technologies (2020-2021)
  • Research S-104-0072/19: Optimization of the construction condition of surface roads from the point of view of management and safety (2019-2020)
  • Research S-104-0060/19: Theoretical-experimental research of traffic load in the city of Stupava (2019-2019)
  • Research S-104-0055/19: Analysis of the performance of the transport connection of the company premises (2019-2019)
  • Research S-56/19:  Theoretical-experimental research on the availability of parking spaces in the city of Žilina (2019-2019)
  • Research S-104-0048/19 : Prediction and optimization of traffic relations in the city of Námestovo  (2019-2021)
  • Research S-104-0042/SvF/2019: Optimization of winter maintenance and cleaning of local roads, public transport stops, sidewalks, public spaces and stairs in the city of Žilina (2019-2019)
  • Research S-28/2019:  Forecast of traffic and parking development in the city of Senica (2019-2019)
  • GRANT: Parameterization of functions of the LOGIT model for the division of transport work (2019-2019)
  • Research S-104-0035/19: Prediction and optimization of the prospective load of the traffic corridor on the route R2 Zvolen-Košice (2019-2020)
  • Research S-104-0045/19: Optimizing the construction condition of the intersection and its traffic connection (2019-2019)
  • Research S-104-0003/19: Optimizing the construction condition of Class I surface roads from the point of view of safety (2019-2019)
  • Research S-104-0004/19: Optimizing the construction condition of the intersection and its traffic connection (2019-2019)
  • VEGA 1/0428/19: Implementation of structural quantities in the calculation of the division of transport work in the transport forecast (2019-2021)
  • Analysis task (RÚ) – Parking and parking areas for road vehicles (2018-2019)
  • Research S-104-0067/18: Technical and economic assessment of the modernization of the transport infrastructure of the trolley line (2018-2019)
  • Research S-104-0040/18: Technical and economic assessment of the modernization of the transport infrastructure of the trolley line (2018-2021)
  • Research S-104-0025/18: Analysis task (RÚ) – Proposal of a methodology for assessing the capacity of uncontrolled intersections with a broken main road (2018-2019)
  • Technical conditions (TP) 018 – Principles of designing transport elements on sections of road stretches in municipalities and cities (Traffic calming) - revision (2018-2018)
  • Technical conditions (TP) 004 – Use of quarried pre-crushed aggregate in the lower base layers (2018-2018)
  • Research S-38/2018: Monitoring of air pollution variability in Sučany (2018-2019)
  • Research S-104-0040/17: Expert opinion on the issue of prediction and design of devices for reducing noise from road traffic in the case of devices for reducing noise from road traffic in the case of several traffic sources of noise immissions (2017-2017)
  • Research S-38/2017: Expert opinion on the special use (transportation of wood by heavy trucks) of the local road to the cemetery in Kolačn (2017-2017)
  • O-538/2210/2017: Model sheets for the construction of surface roads VL 10 Designing modifications of underpasses for the passage of oversized vehicles (2017-2017)
  • Research S 104-046/2017: TECHNICAL CONDITIONS Methodology for the use of HDM-4 in Slovak conditions - revision (2017-2017)
  • KEGA 045ŽU-4/2017:  Environmental training of engineers for employment in public administration (2017-2019)
  • VEGA 1/0537/17:  The influence of the morphology of the road surface on operational capability and emission production (2017-2020)
  • VEGA 1/0300/17:  Research of functional and rheological properties of asphalt binders (2017-2018)
  • 104/0030/16: Completion of the Territorial General of Transport of the City of Žilina in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Slovak Republic and Jaspers for the required aspects of PUMM (2016-2016)
  • Research S-104-0003-16: Verification of the usability of rubble from the Višňové tunnel for asphalt mixtures (2016-2016)
  • TS14/0271PM: Evaluation of the condition and proposal for the reconstruction of movement areas of Žilina Airport (2015-2015)
  • P-104-0001-15: Territorial General of Transport of the City of Žilina (2015-2015)
  • TP 14/2015:  TP 14/2015 Designing turbo-roundabout intersections (2015-2015)
  • VEGA 1/0557/14:  The influence of selected variable parameters on the operational capability of asphalt roads (2014-2016)
  • 104-0015/2013:  Analysis of air pollution assessment methods from road transport (2013-2014)
  • 53/SvF/2012:  Collection of four samples of asphalt layers on Salvova Street in Ružomberok and their evaluation (2012-2012)
  • 6-3/37/SvF/12:  I/59 Likavka km 55,00 - 55,500 analysis and proposal of a technical solution to reduce the impact of vibrations from traffic on local development (2012-2012)
  • 31/SvF/2012:  Asphalt mixtures. Test methods for asphalt mixtures. Part 11: Determination of adhesion between aggregate and binder (2012-2012)
  • 6-3/13/SvF/2012:  Territorial general manager of the city of Martin (2012-2015)
  • VEGA 1/0804/12:   The influence of the material composition of the asphalt mixture on the characteristics of the road surface and the production of emissions
  • VEGA 1/0508/11:   Characteristics and chemical composition of solid particles produced by road transport (2011-2014)
  • 22/SvF/2011:  Asphalts and asphalt binders. Determination of adhesion of asphalt emulsions by immersion in water (2011-2011)
  • VEGA 1/0233/09:  Effect of material composition and temperature on shear strength characteristics of asphalt mixtures (2009-2011)
  • VEGA 1/0673/08:  The influence of operational capacity of roadways on immissions from road traffic
  • Research:  Traffic-engineering documents for the solution of Žilina's ÚP
  • Research: Calibration of input national data for the HDM-4 program
  • VEGA 1/3340/06:  Distribution of transport links and their impact on the environment
  • VEGA 1/3339/06:  The influence of the variability of deformation and thermotechnical characteristics of asphalt layers on the mechanical efficiency of road pavements
  • APVT-99-P01105:  Information system of local communications
  • Science grant agency MŠ SR a SAV:  Improvement of the methodology for calculating air pollution from mobile sources
  • TP 13/2006:  Carrying out and evaluating detailed visual inspections of asphalt roads
  • MDPaT:  The concept of the development of bicycle transport in Slovakia - CYKLIS
  • VEGA 1/1151/04:  Research on the influence of climatic and traffic conditions on road mechanics
© 2024 Department of Highway and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina