Welcome to the website of the department

The Department of Highway and Environmental Engineering focuses on the design, construction, diagnosis and maintenance of highways, roads and urban roads. Road transport, non-motorised transport and mobility are key aspects of modern society. The basis of our work in the department is the harmonization of the advantages of transport and minimizing its negative consequences. That's why we place a focus on computer modeling, traffic simulations and analyses, environmental assessment, the application of innovative materials in construction and the use of modern diagnostic methods.


About us


University of Žilina
Univerzitná 8215/1
010 26 Žilina

phone: + 421 41/ 513 5901  

e-mail: fstav-kcei@uniza.sk   

© 2024 Department of Highway and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina