Analysis of the actual action of prefabricated structural systems

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Bujňák Ján, CSc.

Research team: Ing. Hlinka Richard, PhD., Ing. Bahleda František, PhD., Ing. Bujňáková Petra, PhD., Ing. Jošt Jozef, PhD., Ing. Farbák Matúš, PhD.   

Duration: January 2018 – December 2020                             

Both concrete and steel -concrete prefabricated design systems are becoming increasingly popular. Mainly because of the production in the factory, ensuring sufficient quality control, higher efficiency and short construction time. At the same time, the time -dependent rheological effects are less. However, this is related to simple and suitable joints of structural elements, even in terms of life. When flying bridges by gradually joining segments by cables. In buildings, the anchors with heads, which are currently attractive due to compactness and high durability. Given the gap that has arisen between theoretical design and practical experience, as well as, until recently, lacking normalization, in some cases there is a significant conservative determination of the resistance of these anchors. Comparing numerical solutions with the results of experiments, in the project presented, will be developed more concise design procedures.

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