Actual geometric imperfections and their impact on the stability of arch bridges

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Vičan Josef, CSc.

Research team: doc. Ing. Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD., Ing. Gocál Jozef, PhD., Ing. Kortiš Ján, PhD., Ing. Farbák Matúš, PhD., Ing. Chromčák Jakub, PhD.             

Duration: January 2018 – December 2020                             

The project deals with analysis of the resistance of arches of existing bow-string arch bridges, in terms of the limit state of member buckling. Both, the geometrically nonlinear elastic analysis (GNIA) with code-based equivalent geometric imperfections included, and geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis (GMNIA) with implemented measured geometric imperfections and structural imperfections will be applied within numerical global analyses, as well. To determine the real shape of arches with included geometric imperfections, modern methods will be applied using 3D laser scanning, in particular. Structural imperfections in the form of residual stresses will be taken into account by the stress states adopted from available research and completed by the calculations according to recommended methods. In addition to findings how the standard approaches are compatible with the real behaviour of structures, the impact of imperfections arisen during construction and operation of bridge will be also analysed.

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