Analyses of of problems influencing more reliable design of composite steel and concrete structures

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Bujňák Ján, CSc.

Research team: prof. Ing. Vičan Josef, CSc., Ing. Hlinka Richard, PhD., doc. Ing. Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD., Ing. Bahleda František, PhD., Ing. Idunk Róbert, Ing. Farbák Matúš, PhD.        

Duration: January 2014 – December 2016                             

Composite steel and concrete beams are presently applied in several structural systems including industrial and office buildings. Thanks to combination of the advantageous material properties of both basic materials important increase of the structural element resistance in comparison with classical steel and reinforced concrete beams of the same parameters, effectiveness of this type of beams are achieved. These advantages represent the principal reason for remarkable increase of application of this type of beams in bridge engineering within developed countries. The main objective of the project is a research of the composite structures and bridges in the fields where the more significant simulation of their real behaviour are still missing. Actually, a problem of local transfer of shear forces from the truss nodes into the concrete slab is not adequately developed. Non-linear behaviour of the bridges with embedded beams represents the second research domain, till now, just partially investigated.

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