Analysis of contact resistance between the surfaces of old concrete and high-performance concrete

Head of the project: Ing. Vavruš Martin, PhD.

Research team: doc. Ing. Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD.

Duration: September 2021 – August 2022

Experimental research deals with shear contact between concrete - high-performance concrete. The contact of two structures is an important topic in the design of either a new composite structure or the strengthening of a concrete element by using wrapping with a new concrete layer. Such constructions are considered to be monolithic, so great emphasis is placed on preventing the individual layers from slipping. As a result, the modification of the surface has an enormous effect on the load-bearing of the element. As part of the experiment, the shear resistance of two concrete elements will be monitored. The experimental program will consist of testing experimental samples under centric pressure, where the shear resistance of the contact will be measured. The contact surfaces of the experimental samples will be modified by different surface methods and then will be concreting with different types of concrete mix. Since the resistance of the shear contact is greatly affected by the cohesion coefficient, it will be verified and compared with the standard value. The obtained results will be published in a peer-reviewed / impacted journal.

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