Support of educational activities for training young professionals in the field of bridge construction in the cross-border region

Head of the project: doc. Ing. Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD.

Research team: prof. Ing. Vičan Josef, CSc., prof. Ing. Drusa Marián, PhD., prof. Ing. Moravčík Martin, PhD., Ing. Gocál Jozef, PhD., Ing. Hlinka Richard, PhD., doc. Ing. Koteš Peter, PhD., Ing. Šedivý Štefan, PhD., Ing. Jošt Jozef, PhD., Ing. Farbák Matúš, PhD., Ing. Florková Zuzana, PhD.

Duration: April 2020 – September 2021

Bridges represent the most important element of engineering construction and at the same time reflect the technical maturity and economic level of society. Their design, construction and management require, in addition to a lot of financial resources, highly qualified civil engineers - bridge builders. The level of their training and education will determine the development and quality of the transport infrastructure in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic for many years to come. The proposed project aims to create an educational platform between two of the most important universities in the border region, which will attract and support the education of students in the field of bridge construction in an innovative way, primarily through modern e-learning, interesting excursions and exchange lectures, which also envisage involvement of experts from practice.Bridges represent the most important element of engineering construction and at the same time reflect the technical maturity and economic level of society. Their design, construction and management require, in addition to a lot of financial resources, highly qualified civil engineers - bridge builders. The level of their training and education will determine the development and quality of the transport infrastructure in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic for many years to come. The proposed project aims to create an educational platform between two of the most important universities in the border region, which will attract and support the education of students in the field of bridge construction in an innovative way, primarily through modern e-learning, interesting excursions and exchange lectures, which also envisage involvement of experts from practice.

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